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Болтаем на свободную тему на английском

Опубликовано: 3616 дней назад (29 ноября 2014)
Блог: Канада
Рубрика: Без рубрики
Голосов: 0
Yo, what's up people? Let's get this going!

What do you guys think of Euromaidan and current situation in Ukraine?

гражданство через замужество | Канада vs Аргентина. А может в Канаду через Аргентину?
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:22
Tatiana, there is no media in the world that you can trust at all.
Tatiana Mashkova # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:23
Vadim, due to the current events, Ukrainian (Kiev-based) one is the least one
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:23
Tatiana, why do you think so?
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:23
Tatiana, why do you think so?
Виталий Ворфлик # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:23
Strange to me, that "goverment" of Ukraine said about blocking calls & other medias by Russian special force, BUT it can speak with other world & get information about Russian SU-27 in Ukrainian sky & sturm of military bases in Feadosia.
I can't andestend why Ukrainian police & soldier do nothing about armed men getting building near airoport (strategic object).
I dont belive that Ukrainian military ships live its bases & go to the Odessa whithout andestanding Ukrainian "goverment" that this bases'd get by pro-Russian forces.
& I can't andestand many other situations in Ukrainian question.
But I belive that Obama, Putin, Yanukovich & other politican make all of this for getting somethink undestandable by thayselfs.
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:23
Виталий, I want to add, I don't understand why russian soldiers are without any tokens (flags, stripes, or something like this). I don't understand why russian media tell us about things, that didn't happend. I've spoken with russian soldiers of Naval Forces in Black Sea - they don't like to fight and to kill any people.
Alex Иотов # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:23
Lady's in all rest of Canada. I am astrologist, writer, painter, and teacher. I want get married on some pretty red head Canadian girl! I am at Moscow right now. Who need the Husband?
Роман Иванчук # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:23
Check it out.Some one sent me that massege by ICQ : <|^QueenTamara^|> hi im from Russia and i want to appologize for invading ukraine and killing innocent people there. Im sorry that we russians are so evil and that we call the ukrainian freedom fighters fascists, when russia is a dictatorship of Putin who s been ruling for 15 years :( Putin is like HitIer...... How do you think who sent me that?That person didn't know that I'm Russian.
Роман Иванчук # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:25
I decided to answer on this message using the most bad russian words and I'm a master of bad russian words)
Unknown On # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:25
Tatiana, which media is a trustful source for you?? BBC, CNN, CBC? Their interpretation does not coincide with Russian media at all.
Антон Лапицкий # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:27
I live in Sumy.My state border with Russia.I am afraid.But I am afraid for my family(for my wife and my 8 years old daughter).Because now everybody say about WAR.But I going to defence family,Ukraine and duty...
Антон Лапицкий # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:27
Russian media show that for their favourable
Дмитрий Григоренко # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:27
So the media which is closest to the source of action is untruthful, so then which one is?! I grew up in Chernigov and Kiev....always been speaking russian no problem. How many russian schools are there in Crimea?! TONS! no problem, but Putin suddenly decided that russians are repressed in ukraine...what a BS.....better tell me how many ukrainian schools are there in russia???!!! I bet none.....
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:27
Дмитрий, yes, you are right, but Ukrainian TV shows Russian helicopters and tell us it was above Crimea, but in real it was military exercises "West-2013" last year. I think all media lies, infowar is everywhere. Just let's don't quarrel. Dmitriy, just tell me, do you trust to John Kerry?
Дмитрий Григоренко # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:28
I don't trust anyone except my family!
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:28
Is it a joke?
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:28
Дмитрий Мосейчук is it a joke?
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:29
I mean why do you trust Kerry or Jacenuck? I don't trust anyone like you.
Дмитрий Григоренко # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:31
No, this was not a joke. I think I expressed myself clearly. I do not trust anyone, except my family. And where did you see me saying that I trust Kerry or Jacenyuk???!!!
Антон Лапицкий # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:31
Russian helicopters,plane and BTRs in Crimea right now.And more 15.000 Russian soldiers. It's realy

Социальная сеть для общения рускоязычных жителей Канады