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Социальная сеть для общения рускоязычных жителей Канады


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Болтаем на свободную тему на английском

Опубликовано: 2769 дней назад (29 ноября 2014)
Блог: Канада
Рубрика: Без рубрики
Голосов: 0
Yo, what's up people? Let's get this going!

What do you guys think of Euromaidan and current situation in Ukraine?

гражданство через замужество | Канада vs Аргентина. А может в Канаду через Аргентину?
Dzhamily-Dj Gadzhieva # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:47
Is it Canada day tomorrow?
Максим Милитанов # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:47
Dzhamily-Dj, ya, there going to be parades, different activities and fireworks closer to the night
Dzhamily-Dj Gadzhieva # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:48
Максим, it's cool, I love this Country very much, and that's why will be cook the cake, so, where do you live?
Максим Милитанов # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:49
Dzhamily-Dj, i live in Estevan, Saskatchewan. Very small city but it has everything I need. What about you?
Dzhamily-Dj Gadzhieva # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:49
Максим,I'm a student, I live in Mahachcala, but I'd like live in Canada, sorry, my English is not well,but I want to improve my English, can you help me?
Максим Милитанов # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:50
Dzhamily-Dj, your English is decent, better than some other Russians or Ukranians that can barely make up proper sentences. In my opinion you have to be in English speaking environment every day in order to master English. But even just texting here is a good practice
Dzhamily-Dj Gadzhieva # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:50
Максим, oh,thank you darling))
Zhibek Dukenbayeva # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:50
Please, kindly, help me by answering this short survey, it takes only 1-3 minutes. I'll be appreciated, thank you!

Анастасия Зорина # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:50
Hey guys! I'm Anastasia, I've been in Canada for 2 years... I live in such as small town without any Russian people around haha. So you are more then welcome txt me, I'll be happy to make new friends ;)
Максим Милитанов # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:50
Anastasia, i bet there fairly many Canadians, why not to hang out with them?
Анастасия Зорина # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:50
Максим, :) I try:) but it's different
another thing : there is never to many friends, right?:)
Максим Милитанов # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:51
Anastasia, idk i can see only benefits from hanging out with Canadians. You learn the language faster, you learn their way of life, it doesn't mean that you have to accept it but so you dont look like a weirdo when youre going over to someone. I know quite a few Russians and Ukrainian people that spent 7-9 years here in Canada and still cannot speak English
Анастасия Зорина # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:52
Well, I realize that. The thing is I'm still going through adaptation period haha. And not that I don't communicate with Canadians, I do, just a lot. Mostly at work though. =) but I am still not really be able to make with them such as close friends like I do with Russians or even philipinos I like them, I even dated one of them. But at the end of everything I guess I need more time before I'll be able to be like a peer for them
Robert Shmigelsky # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:52
Vlad, Or Obama.
Дмитрий Григоренко # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:52
My grammatic is very very very bad and poorly, but I want say anythin, Putin just looks like normal Politic, but he now what he do, he oposited in obama, and Obama alweys now, What doing Putin, and where doing Putin, Russian politics thats wery worry, and they use now that, the next sanctions, in the end of Russia, in the end of Putin. I have The cabalry in the 2000 words, but I don't now what do with all words, plees sorry by my post, but I so want say thanks.
Ася Лисицина # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:52
Hello! Could u please give me an advise, what I should visit in Canada except Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto? Is there anything else worth seeing in Canada?
P.S.: I've already been to Rockies and Whistler
Аюна Намбарова # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:52
Ася, do you have a driving licence? I would have rent a car and drive all over the country. Of course, a good company should be included!
Анастасия Зорина # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:52
Asya, Калгари, да и вообще... Посетите каждую провицию, если есть возможность. Они разные и по своему прекрасные. Канада- это не Торонто и Монреаль
Максим Милитанов # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:53
If youre a seafood lover definitely go to maritime provinces, like Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Ася Лисицина # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:53
Ayuna, no, unfortunately, I don't.
Anastasia, I believe. But I don't have so much money and I have a big luggage with me. Terrible;(
Maxim, it there smt interesting except seafood in those provinces?

Социальная сеть для общения рускоязычных жителей Канады